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Introduction to the Council of Tinkers
- Merdiwen Tirelle Diyo -
It appears that all Tinkers in the heartland are to write up a report on themselves. I take this as a formal recognition of my status as a citizen and as a teacher of all things both worldly and ephemeral. As such, I shall be as truthful and as descriptive of myself as I choose. I am using Selena Arcadia Yewen's report on Yal'nawēnni Il-lyn E'shala, Melvin, and myself as a reference and a guide.
My name can be translated into the common tongue in one of two ways. The formal, long translation is "One person swimming in the free-flowing river of time that we all share and create together". The shorter and much preferable translation is "The river of time that flows freely". Merdiwen, or "One human in a particular place in time" is how most people refer to me. You may also refer to me by the letter M for "Man who thinks like a river".
My role in the world is to act as the eyes and ears of the Goddess of Truth. She is aware of everything I am doing at all times, and I can be constructed and deconsructed on a foundational level for the purpose of relocation or reconfiguration into any form necessary to my own purpose. My will is my own, and my life is what I choose it to be. I am a being made of pure will and harmony in all things, and in this I declare that I am the Scion of Karee, Protector of Men, and Lorekeepr of the Twelve Essences.
My appearances can change based on what I need it to be. I am a successful human experiment with a bent towards Lythian, Fey, and Lythian again. My first language is of the fundamental reality that ties and binds us all, and I have been given the gift of understanding that comes with being a follower of truth. For the time I am on this planet, I choose to be an unusual human with winged ears, vibrant grassy hair, and pale skin. The clothes I wear are designed to match my unusual appearance and heavily modified to draw out the most of what an average human's body should be capable of. I carry both a sword to cut and a hammer to forge.
I hold the following titles
- As the scholar of worldly knowledge and deliverance of Hero's Engine, the council has bestowed upon me the title of First Tinker
- As a creation of the Goddess of Truth and an extension of her senses, I embody the Scion of Karee
- As a master smith, swordsman, puppeteer, auric fountian, and anchor anomic, I claim the combat title of Five-Fold Puppeteer
All of Selena's reports include a set of general military specifications on the user. I wish to amend this with a greater level of detail and a summation of notes in the same style that Melvin provides.
- Selena's Enhanced Combat Scale
Small Things (Algae, Worm, Bug) → Animal (Mouse, Chicken, Dog) → Human (Child, Standard, Trained) → Superhuman (I, II, III) → Empowered Human (I, II, III) → Demigod (Lesser, -, Greater) → Universal Being (Lesser, -, Greater) → God (-, Primary)
Basic Stats, Selena's Enhanced Combat Scale
- Might: Standard Human <-> Lesser Demigod
- Agility: Standard Human <-> Lesser Demigod
- Skill: Standard Human <-> Lesser Demigod
- Social: Standard Human <-> Lesser Demigod
- Mind: Standard Human <-> Lesser Demigod
- Will: Standard Human <-> Lesser Demigod
- Melvin's Relatable Combat Scale
Plant, Bug, Worm, Slime, Chicken, Dog, Wolf
Child, Teen, Adult, Recruit, Soldier
Witch, Alchaneer, Martial Master, Magus, Golemancer, Skyla
Lunatic, Absolute, Godlike Being
Basic Stats, Melvin's Relatable Combat Scale
- Might: Adult <-> Lunatic
- Agility: Adult <-> Lunatic
- Skill: Adult <-> Lunatic
- Social: Adult <-> Lunatic
- Mind: Adult <-> Lunatic
- Will: Adult <-> Lunatic
Karee's Essential Scale: Essence, Attachment, Awareness, Bond, Fragment, Mote, Segment, Leaf, Twig, Branch, Trunk, Roots, World
- Place in Life: Branch
- Reason for existing: Bond
- Interpersonal Relationships: Roots
- Ability to shape the world: Branch
- Worldly Knowledge: Awareness
- Essence Weaving: World
- Personal Anchor: Trunk
Nemea's Divine Ranking Hierarchy → None, Passive, Latent, Acolyte, Saint, Celestial, Angel : Servitor, Scion : Demigod, Kami : God, Titan, Primordial
- Divine Rank: Scion
Each report also includes knowledge and skills in one of the five primary Tinker types and commerce. Evaluation of your own skills is important, but perhaps judged best by others. I will endeavor to fill in this gap with a small story for each one.
Combat prowess is one of the most important features in this land secured by walls of wood and slime. The slimes will eat anything they can fit their squidgy bodies around, and the walls do a poor job at fending off the slimes without a garrison of trained soldiers manning them at all times. Most slimes copy plants, animals, or rocks in their quest to become more than what they are, and tend to roam around in the day despite not seeing in the conventional sense.
All good travellers should know the basics of how to pitch a tent, light a fire, and hunt for food, even as someone like myself who feeds off of the sun. Travelling with companions that are hungry does not make for a good time. A good merchant should also be able to navigate on land or sea, know their established routes, and be quick about delivering goods between places or delivering salacious words to savory ears.
In times of old, a farmer was a person who tended a field full of fruitful crops such as wheat or pumpkins. The crops need to be rotated across multiple fields so the soil can rest and regenerate, and a small plot of land could be tended by a single person. Large families sprang up to deal with the ever increasing amount of food that humans require, and most of the crops were of the same kind. The story is a bit different with seeds brought from distant lands and raw slime serving both as dirt replacements and as fertilizer... and in desperation, raw slime can be consumed. Very few people starve to death now. They mostly get eaten.
Scribes are an unusual result of the sheer amount of food that slimes provide and the need to spread as much knowledge as possible. Every scribe is an orator, philosopher, bookmaker, and scholar of knowledge in all kinds. Large libraries spring up across the land to hold not just scrolls and tomes, but objects to study like hammers and carts. The most useful item found in any library is the Hero Engine, an odd bronze contraption that spins and can do work based on steam. Of course no library would be complete without an astrolab or a stable for breeding ink slimes.
An artisan's work is never done. They create the basic devices we use to craft society itself. Everything from nails and hammers to swords and spears can be found at an artisan's forge, and the sheer variety of detailing and artwork on display in a jeweler's pen is something to be admired. If it's a small object in a house, the clothes you wear, or anything particularly pretty, you probably know the artisan who made it.
Each of the primary professions have a pair they work well with, and engineers are no exception. If an artisan is making a lovely mural on the side of a wall, the engineer is the one who built the wall in the first place. They are the people who create vast networks of walls for the military, aqueducts and large bath houses for the cities, water wheels and windmills for the countryside, and all of the strange vehicles you see around. Engineers form the very backbone of the society we see today.
At the behest of the Goddess of Truth, I respond to summons. I respectfully ask that you treat me as you would anyone else. Treating me as a resource or a mythological creature will have consequences far beyond what you expect.
Royal Archive | Selena’s Timeline