~~~ Royal Archive ~~~
Year 825, Early Spring
Slime-Craft Guild, South Tinker Outpost
- Selena Arcadia Yewen -
Skyla has returned to us.
She has been staying in the barracks for the past week. Thruul has been informed and has been on the premises for the past day. A lot of shouting was heard from the barracks when he arrived. The type was mixed; some joyous, some scornful, and one I believe has never been heard: genuine sorrow from Thruul and manic shrieking laughter from Skyla. The nature of the conversation was impossible to ignore, but still doesn't make sense. As the taskmaster I asked for clarification, but Skyla refuses to answer questions related to her absence.
Her demeanor has changed significantly. The headstrong and arrogant posture of a person who knows they are stronger than everyone around has been replaced with deep brooding, abject depression, and some kind of deep seated shock that is masked with a sneer rather than a smile. Her physical appearance has changed imperceptibly. It's like she is present in a different way than before. She appears to have a goal of some kind, though what that is I cannot say.
Skyla has agreed to the standard set of training exercises and creative tasks that are used to gauge a Tinker's skill. See followup report for more details.
Royal Archive | Selena’s Timeline